The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Original Article

A Stereological Assessment Method for Estimating the Surface Area of Cycloids

Eurasian J Med 2010; 42: 66-73
Read: 1240 Downloads: 1386 Published: 03 September 2019



Objective: In this study, we sought to determine differences in estimations of surface area made by classical vertical uniform random (VUR) section series and vertical section series obtained perpendicular to a fixed horizontal plane.


Materials and Methods: One volunteer subject (male, 25 years of age) with no neurological deficit was chosen at random from a bank of controls in the magnetic resonance (MR) image data library of the Department of Radiology. First, a soccer ball with known geometrical features (radius: 9.75 cm) was imaged using a T1-weighted MR scanner at 5-mm thickness (total 40 sections) to test the validity and reliability of surface area and volume measurements obtained via stereological methods. Second, T1-weighted MR section profiles were obtained from a volunteer individual. Surface area and volume estimation procedures were carried out using the Stereo Investigator 6, MicroBrightField, Inc., USA.

Conclusions: We determined that there are no differences in either surface area or volume estimations made using VUR sections and direct vertical sections. We have performed an exhaustive series analysis with a variety of objects.

EISSN 1308-8742