The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Case Report

Chromosomal Translocation t (10;19) (q11.2;q13.4) in an Infertile Male

Eurasian J Med 2014; 46: 220-223
DOI: 10.5152/eajm.2014.33
Read: 1810 Downloads: 732 Published: 03 September 2019


Chromosomal rearrangements are usually associated with male factor infertility. We report here a 34-year-old man suffering from primary infertility for 15 years. The cytogenetic analysis and investigation of Y-chromosome microdeletions were performed. A reciprocal balanced translocation t (10;19) (q11.2;q13.4) was found in oligozoospermic infertile men with no Y-chromosome microdeletions. In this case, we aimed to evaluate the 46,XY,t (10;19) (q11.2;q13.4) karyotype, which was detected through a cytogenetic analysis of a person referred to our genetic laboratory due to primary infertility, in the light of the literature. 

EISSN 1308-8742