The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Original Article

Compared with the Conventional MR Imaging, Do the Constructive Interference Steady State Sequence and Diffusion Weighted Imaging Aid in the Diagnosis of Lumbar Disc Hernias?

Eurasian J Med 2011; 43: 152-161
DOI: 10.5152/eajm.2011.37
Read: 2084 Downloads: 1475 Published: 03 September 2019


Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the efficacy of Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) and Constructive Interference Steady State(CISS) sequences in the depiction of lumbar disc hernias, including sequestrated and extruded discs. 

Materials and Methods: 100 patients;  35 males and 65 females, with 3 sequestration - 16 extruded and 81 protruded all together 100  herniated discs  were involved in this study. If a patient had more than one herniated disc, then the more precise herniation was included. All the MRI procedures were handled in Siemens Symphony Power 1.5 T. magnet. DWI- Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC mapping) and CISS sequences were  obtained in axial planes. Statistical analysis of CISS and DWI results  were analysed by fischer’s test, chi square  statistics.

Results: CISS sequence  had a 89% sensitivity, 100% specificity for all lumbar disc hernias, had 100% sensitivity and specificity in the evaluation of sequestrated and extruded discs. DWI had a 77% sensitivity and %100 specificity, had 100% sensitivity and 50% specificity in the evaluation of extrusion, 100% sensitivity and specificity in the evaluation of sequestration.

Conclusion: CISS sequence and quantitative DWI may be alternative imaging modalities to the routine MR imaging sequences in the depiction of lumbar disc hernias, including  sequestration and extruded discs.

EISSN 1308-8742