The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Original Article

Demand for Self-Employed Health Insurance

Eurasian J Med 2016; 48: 172-176
DOI: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2016.0008
Read: 1895 Downloads: 1417 Published: 03 September 2019


Objective: Health insurance provides financial support for health care expenditures. There are two types of health insurance: compulsory and voluntary. Voluntary health insurance can be divided into two categories: self-employed and supplementary. In this study, the main factors that affect the demand for self-employed health insurance in Iran were determined.


Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data were derived from the 2013 Household Income and Expenditure Survey from the Statistical Center of Iran. Then, a logistic regression model was designed to determine the factors influencing health insurance demand.


Results: The age, income, and education level of the head of the household directly correlated with the demand for self-employed health insurance. There was no significant relationship between the demand for health insurance and the gender or marital status of the head of the household. In addition, there were no significant relationships between occupation or house ownership and the demand for health insurance in rural households.


Conclusion: To promote voluntary health insurance, it is helpful to identify effective factors that stimulate the health insurance demand. 

EISSN 1308-8742