The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Letter to the Editor

Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendon Rupture in a Distal Radius Malunion


Department of Orthopedic Surgery, New York University School of Medicine, New York, USA

Eurasian J Med 2022; 54: 82-84
DOI: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2022.21096
Read: 761 Downloads: 405 Published: 14 April 2022

We describe a rare case of complete rupture of the flexor carpi radialis in a distal radius malunion. Though the tendon was not repaired, the functional result was acceptable. The coronavirus disease-19 epidemic highlights delayed treatment for routine orthopedic trauma and its complications. Decision-making as to repair or reconstruction should rely on patient characteristics, fracture age, and geometry, as well as the need for other repairs and grafting.

Cite this article as: Seo L, Wollstein R. Flexor carpi radialis tendon rupture in a distal radius malunion. Eurasian J Med 2022;54(1):82-84.

EISSN 1308-8742