The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Original Article

Multi-Detector Row Computed Tomography Findings of Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Caused by Dilated Ovarian Veins

Eurasian J Med 2010; 42: 128-131
Read: 1363 Downloads: 1364 Published: 03 September 2019



Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of multi-detector row CT (MDCT) on pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS), which is often overlooked or poorly visualized with routine imaging examination.


Materials and Methods: We evaluated the MDCT features of 40 patients with PCS (mean age, 45 years; range, 29-60 years) using axial, coronal, sagittal, 3D volume-rendered, and Maximum Intensity Projection MIP images.

Results: MDCT revealed pelvic varices and ovarian vein dilatations in all patients. Bilateral ovarian vein dilatation was present in 25 patients, and 15 patients had unilateral dilatation. While 12 cases of secondary pelvic varices occurred simultaneously with a retroaortic left renal vein, 10 cases were due solely to a mass obstruction or stenosis of venous structures.

Conclusion: MDCT is an effective tool in the evaluation of PCS, and it has more advantages than other imaging modalities.

EISSN 1308-8742