The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Original Article


Eurasian J Med 2006; 38: 1-5
Read: 1103 Downloads: 1128 Published: 03 September 2019


There were many evidences about the starvation during night before operation was not necessary but this procedure was going on in many centers. Although the food intake just before surgery was not recommended for anesthesia, clear fluid intake until 2 hours before operation was accepted in literatüre. This procedure was caused the new apporaches for the clear fluid (e.g. water, tea, coffee) intake before surgery. There is no effect of only clear liquids on not only hunger and anxiety but also hunger and metabolic changes that caused by surgency. To abolish these undesired effects, clear liquids that are rich of carbonhydrates and showed as no cause of risk of unconfidence are developed and evaluated. The usage of oral clear liquid with carbonhydrate, also the stomach is empty, will make the patient pass the anabolic state instead of catabolic state, full the glicojen depots during the surgery.

EISSN 1308-8742