Plasmacytoma is rarely observed among lesions causing lump in breast. It can be seen either solitary or metastasis of multiple myeloma. As a result of ultrasonografic examination, a degenerated fibroadenoma measuring about 3, 5 cm in diameter was discovered in left breast of a 45 year old woman. Tru- cut biopsy sample of this patient showed that a diffused infiltration of plasma cells occasionally in a cell-line shape occurred in fibrous stroma. Immunohistochemically, the cells stained positively for CD38 and Kappa light chain but there was no reactivity for pansitokeratin and Lamda light chain. The case was defined as extramedullar plasmacytoma and no symptom of multiple myeloma was found clinically.
Plasmacytomas rarely observed in breast were presented in the literature presenting.