The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Original Article

Recognition of Colon Polyps (Tubular Adenoma, Villous Adenoma) and Normal Colon Epithelium Histomorphology with Transfer Learning


Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine, Erzurum, Turkey


Department of Computer Engineering, Atatürk University Faculty of Engineering, Erzurum, Turkey


Department of Pathology, Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine, Erzurum, Turkey

Eurasian J Med 2024; 56: 35-41
DOI: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2024.23130
Read: 887 Downloads: 416 Published: 05 March 2024

Background: The use of artificial intelligence technology in medicine, which is remarkable with its increasing use in many areas recently, has allowed for rapid developments. This technology quantitatively solves many problems in medicine, such as increased workload, delayed diagnosis, and treatment processes. It has been seen in the literature that this technology, which has a wide range of applications in medicine, also has a place in medical pathology. The main purpose of this study is to provide a histomorphological classification of colon polyps in the medical pathology department with high accuracy in a short time. Besides accelerating the diagnosis and treatment process, it is desired to facilitate the workload of the pathology department.

Methods: This study is based on the recognition of colon preparation images that come to the pathology department by using the image recognition techniques of artificial intelligence. VGG19, DenseNet201, and EfcientNetB7 models, which are convolutional neural networks (CNN) models, were used. A model based on a concatenation ensemble of 3 CNN architectures was also used in this study.

Results: Within the scope of the study, a total of 515 preparation images, including normal epithelium, tubular adenoma and villous adenomas of the colon, were procured as data and introduced to artificial intelligence, and the diagnoses of these preparations were estimated histomorphologically by artificial intelligence.

Conclusion: As a result of the study, an accuracy rate of 94.17% was achieved.

Cite this article as: Karabulut I, Selen R, Yaganoglu M, Ozmen S. Recognition of colon polyps (tubular adenoma, villous adenoma) and normal colon epithelium histomorphology with transfer learning. Eurasian J Med., 2024;56(1):35-41.

EISSN 1308-8742