The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Original Article

Retrospective Evaluation of Colon Injury Cases

Eurasian J Med 2008; 40: 29-32
Keywords : Colon, Abdomen, Injury
Read: 1323 Downloads: 1321 Published: 03 September 2019



Objective: When considering abdominal region injuries, the colon is one of the most frequently wounded organs. Due to the septic contents of the colon, failure to treat or improper treatment of colon injuries increases the risk of major complications and may result in death. The aim of our study is a retrospective evaluation of colon injury cases over a 5-year period.


Materials and Methods: Forty-nine patients with a diagnosis of colon injury were included in the study. The cause of colon injury, injured area, Flint colon injury score, additional organs injured, type of surgical procedure performed, postoperative complications and mortality were evaluated.

Results: The most frequent cause of colon injury was cutters (57.2%), followed by firearms (36.7%). The left colon was the most common site of injury (40.8%), followed by the transverse (28.6%) and right colon (20.4%). Primary treatment or resection and primary anastomosis were performed on 38 patients (77.6%), while primary treatment and proximal decompression colostomy were performed on 11 patients (22.4%). Eighteen of the patients (36.7%) experienced major postoperative complications, and 6 patients (12.2%) died.

Conclusion: The morbidity and mortality of colonic injuries can be reduced by rapid patient transportation, good operational experience, use of wide spectrum antibiotics and postoperative care in an intensive care unit.

EISSN 1308-8742