The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Original Article

Role of Coma Acidosis Malaria Score in Patients with Severe Malaria among Indian Population: a Tertiary Care Center Experience

Eurasian J Med 2017; 49: 30-35
DOI: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2017.16069
Read: 2145 Downloads: 1408 Published: 03 September 2019


Objective: Malaria is a prime public health threat in developing countries like India. There is an unmet need of a simplified methodology for the purpose of triage and provision of intensive care to the severely infected patients in these areas.


Materials and Methods: We did a prospective study in patients (n=60) admitted with severe malaria in a single tertiary care center in the state of Haryana, India. We assessed the role of coma acidosis malaria (CAM) score in these patients when predicting mortality and morbidity events. Stepwise logistic regression analysis was applied to identify patients requiring intensive care based on the CAM score, and the prediction value of the scoring system was assessed among these patients.


Results: Cerebral malaria (measured using the Glasgow coma scale) and acidosis (base deficit) were the major determinants of the CAM score. Serum bicarbonate levels and respiratory rates were assessed as the proxy markers of the base deficit as it is not always available. Morbidity increased steadily as the CAM scores increased. Sensitivity and negative predictive value of 100% depicted that the scoring system was able to identify patients who needed intensive care and accurately exclude the patients who could be conservatively managed in the ward. Positive predictive values of 73.9%, 68%, and 80.9% indicated that CAM, bicarbonate-based CAM (BCAM), and respiratory rate-based CAM (RCAM) scores, respectively, could precisely predict the morbidity and mortality events among patients with CAM scores ≥2.



Conclusion: CAM scores have precise predictive values in assessing patients with severe malaria. The scoring system helps in accurate and systemic triage of patients, irrespective of species, and directs the treating physicians toward vigilant treatment and emergency care.

EISSN 1308-8742