The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
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Total of 21 results
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The Report About Mother and Child Health Services of Health Centers in the Provience of Erzurum 1980

Arif Özel, Aydın Özel, Nafiz Uluutku, Fahri Sarıoğlu, Hüseyin Çayır

(Eurasian J Med 1981; 13: 157-166)

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The Problem of House in Erzurum City

Arif Özel, Aydın Özel, Nafiz Uluutku

(Eurasian J Med 1982; 14: 29-35)

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The High Blood Presssure Prevelance, on the Rural Area Population Ever 30 Years Old

Arif Özel, Nafiz Uluutku

(Eurasian J Med 1982; 14: 141-148)

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EISSN 1308-8742