The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Original Article

Sexual Dysfunction Is Associated with Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Predialytic Chronic Kidney Disease

Eurasian J Med 2018; 50: 75-80
DOI: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2018.17152
Read: 6649 Downloads: 935 Published: 03 September 2019



Objective: We aimed to determine the prevalence of sexual dysfunction and clarify the relationship between sexual dysfunction and depressive mood state, drugs, and disease activities in patients with predialytic chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Materials and Methods
: In total, 150 patients with CKD who had an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 15–60 mL/min were included; 65 healthy controls were selected. A detailed medical and sexual medical history was taken from individuals in the control and patient groups by applying the Golombok–Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.

: Sexual frequency (p=0.027), impotence (p<0.001), and premature ejaculation scores (p<0.001) in male patients and sexual frequency (p=0.004), communication (p=0.004),, satisfaction (p<0.001), avoidance (p=0.008), orgasmic dysfunction (p<0.001), sensuality (p=0.002), and total sexual dysfunction scores (p<0.001) in female patients with CKD were found to be higher compared with the control group. In female patients, the depression scores of patients with stage 3 CKD were found to be higher than those of patients with stage 4 CKD (p=0.028). The avoidance scores of male patients with depression (p=0.006) were high. In contrast, the communication score of female patients with depression was high (p=0.004). It has been detected that the factors that affect the sexual dysfunction score of patients with CKD in males are age (p=0.006), hypertension (p=0.008), anxiety (p=0.003), and depression (p=0.002) and those in female patients are age (p=0.034), anxiety (p<0.001), and depression (p=0.001).

: Patients with predialytic CKD substantially have sexual dysfunction. The most important factors that affect sexual dysfunction are age, hypertension, anxiety, and depression.


Cite this article as
: Guven S, Sari F, Inci A, Cetinkaya R. Sexual Dysfunction Is Associated with Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Predialytic Chronic Kidney Disease. Eurasian J Med 2018; 50: 75-80.

EISSN 1308-8742