The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Case Report

Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of the Pancreas

Eurasian J Med 2009; 41: 129-132
Read: 1461 Downloads: 1391 Published: 03 September 2019


Solid pseudopapillary tumors of the pancreas, known as Frantz tumors, are rare pancreatic tumors that occur predominantly in women, with very few cases reported in men. We present the case of a 27-year-old female patient who came to the emergency room with an intense upper abdominal pain associated with nausea and vomiting and a palpable mass in the left upper quadrant. She was initially diagnosed with a post-traumatic pancreatic pseudocyst. The patient underwent distal pancreatectomy with splenic preservation; the histopathological report showed a pseudopapillary solid tumor of the pancreas without malignant cells. In this report, a case of rare solid-pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas is described. Our objective was to report an infrequent case of pancreatic pseudopapillary tumor and to carry out a review of the literature.

EISSN 1308-8742