The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Letter to the Editor

Telemedicine and Home-Based Treatment of COVID-19 in Resource-Limited Countries. Report of 3 Cases


University of Guayaquil, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Guayaquil, Ecuador


Physiology and Respiratory Center Briones-Claudett, Guayaquil, Ecuador


Intensive Care Unit, Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS), Babahoyo, Ecuador


Universidad Espíritu Santo, Samborondón, Ecuador


Universidad San Francisco de Quito School of Medicine, Quito, Ecuador


Department of Critical Care, Hospital de los Valles, Quito, Ecuador

Eurasian J Med 2021; 53: 155-157
DOI: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2021.20227
Read: 1236 Downloads: 511 Published: 01 June 2021

Ecuador, despite having taken aggressive and early measures to stop the progression of the pandemic (COVID-19), ended up becoming an epicenter of the pandemic in Latin America, and with the collapse of its health care system. The authors describe three patients who had confirmed COVID-19 and met the criteria for hospital admission but could not be assigned a hospital bed in a resource-limited country. The patients included a 72-year-old male, an 82-year-old female, and a 56-year-old male. They typically presented with fever, dyspnea, loss of taste and smell, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Oxygen saturation during the initial evaluation ranged from 80-89%. Laboratory results reported lymphopenia and neutrophilia, with leukocytosis in two patients. Inflammatory markers were also elevated for all three patients. CT scan findings showed bilateral ground-glass pulmonary opacities. SARS-CoV-2 was confirmed in all three patients by real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing.  Home-based treatment was established. At the time of writing this report, all patients remain asymptomatic and with negative COVID-19 testing. Telemedicine and home-based treatment were essential assets in the care of these severely ill patients living in a low-resource setting where not all patients who have criteria to be admitted into the hospital are able to find a place in a collapsed health care system. 

Cite this article as: Briones-Claudett KH, Briones-Claudett MH, Briones-Zamora KH, Briones-Márquez DC, Icaza-Freire A, Grunauer M. Telemedicine and Home-Based Treatment of COVID-19 in Resource-Limited Countries. Report of 3 Cases. Eurasian J Med 2021; 53(2): 155-7.

EISSN 1308-8742