The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Original Article

The Frequency of Complications and the Etiology of Disease in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis in Erzurum

Eurasian J Med 2014; 46: 110-114
DOI: 10.5152/eajm.2014.25
Read: 3078 Downloads: 1450 Published: 03 September 2019


Objective: This study included 100 patients diagnosed with liver cirrhosis who presented at Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine Gastroenterology clinic and polyclinic.


Materials and Methods: The etiology of liver cirrhosis and the incidence of its complications have been investigated.


Results: The etiological classification of liver cirrhosis in our patients was as follows: 47 hepatitis B virus hepatitis, 11 hepatitis C virus hepatitis , 5 HBV+HDV hepatitis, 4 Budd Chiari syndrome, 2 chronic alcohol abuse, 2 ischemic heart disease, 1 autoimmune hepatitis, 1 sclerosing cholangitis, 1 hydatid cyst. In 26 patients we could not find any etiological condition. These patients were called cryptogenic cirrhosis patients.When we examined the complications of liver cirrhosis, it appeared that there were ascites in 83 patient. In 56 patients, esophageal variceal bleeding occurred. There was spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in 42 patients. Hepatorenal syndrome occurred in 26 patients. Finally, in 3 patients we detected hepatorenal syndrome.


Conclusion: The most common causes in the etiology of liver cirrhosis are viral, especially HBV. Many of the patients were in decompensated phase when diagnosed. We found that there was a close relation between the frequency of complications and mortality in liver cirrhosis. 

EISSN 1308-8742