The Eurasian Journal of Medicine
Original Article


Eurasian J Med 2000; 32: 109-113
Read: 1304 Downloads: 1442 Published: 03 September 2019


In this study, 37 cases with acute arterial thrombosis admitted to our Department were analysed retrospectively. The mean age of cases was 58 years. Of these cases, 32 (86%) were smoking. The data belonging evaluation of cases through physicial examination, colour doppler ultrasonography and angiography was analised. Of these, 27 (73%)) cases had lower extremity disease, 10 (27%) cases had iliac artery and terminal aort disease. The cases were operated on the first day of admittance. 24 (65%) cases underwent urgent femoral thrombectomy, only in 11 (30%) perfusion was estabilished. In cases in whom perfusion did not obtained, and in 13 patients (35%) in whom their iliac artery and terminal aorta had acute artery thrombosis, revascularisation was achieved using vascular grafts. After these interventions, a 0.5-0.8 unite increase in ankle-brachial indexes (ABI) was obtained in 7 cases (19%), while ABI was evaluated as 1 in 21 cases (57%). In spite of applied treatments, we were compelled to carried out the amputation of lower extremities in 9 cases (24%). 2 cases died by reason of myonephropatic metabolic syndrome.


In conclusions that, preparations for operation should be made by taking into consideration that the case can be acute artery trombosis, and that revascularisation may be applied using primarily synthetic graft or safen vein in ischemic feet in which no source of emboli can be encountered. It should be kept in mind that the most serious problem likely to be encountered is myonephropatic metabolic syndrome when perfusion is achieved in emboli cases having delayed for an ischemic period of more than 6-8 hours.

EISSN 1308-8742