The Eurasian Journal of Medicine

Artificial Intelligence in Breast Imaging: Opportunities, Challenges, and Legal–Ethical Considerations


Istanbul Medipol University International Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey


Bilkent University Faculty of Law, Ankara, Turkey

Eurasian J Med 2023; 55: Supplement 114-119
DOI: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2023.23360
Read: 858 Downloads: 279 Published: 29 December 2023

This review explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in breast imaging, driven by a global rise in breast cancer cases. Propelled by deep learning techniques, AI shows promise in refining diagnostic processes, yet adoption rates vary. Its ability to manage extensive datasets and process multidimensional information holds potential for advancing precision medicine in breast cancer research. However, integration faces challenges, from data-related obstacles to ensuring transparency and trust in decision-making. Legal considerations, including the formation of AI teams and intellectual property protection, influence health care’s adoption of AI. Ethical dimensions underscore the need for responsible AI implementation, emphasizing autonomy, well-being, safety, transparency, and accessibility. Establishing a robust legal and ethical framework is crucial for conscientiously deploying AI, ensuring positive impacts on patient safety and treatment efcacy. As nations and organizations aspire to engage in global competition, not merely as consumers, the review highlights the critical importance of developing legal regulations. A comprehensive approach, from AI team formation to end-user processes, is essential for navigating the complex terrain of AI applications in breast imaging. Legal experts play a key role in ensuring compliance, managing risks, and fostering resilient integration. The ultimate goal is a harmonious synergy between technological advancements and ethical considerations, ushering in enhanced breast cancer diagnostics through responsible AI utilization.

Cite this article as: Durur-Subasi I, Ozcelik SB. Artificial intelligence in breast imaging: opportunities, challenges, and legal–ethical considerations. Eurasian J Med., 2023;55(Suppl. Issue: 1):S114-S119

EISSN 1308-8742